Monday 13 April 2015

Study, Study, Study.

I am becoming more and more exhausted from education these days; spending copious amounts of time on just re-writing out essay after essay. So I decided to just take pictures of random moments within the past week or so that just relax me or make me happy, (and obviously food is going to be one image.)

Just relaxing in a bath can just relax me and allow me to take an hour just to forget about work and revision and focus on just me. I didn't realise that the troubles I would pay for relaxation was scrubbing a bath tub of a glitter afterwards for about 30 minutes. 

What would life be without Nandos. Extra Hot - I show no fear! 

Last image of the 3, a small town called Rye. It's so beautiful in areas and as there's hardly ever any service in some areas, it can be the most relaxing place to take a break.