Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Kew Garden Christmas Lights

The best way to feel like it is truly Christmas is by visiting the Kew Gardens Christmas event! I have never felt so happy to walk about a garden filled with bright colors and lights glittering. The peacock displayed above was in a bright, dazzling blue, and the pictures cannot even do justice to what you really see - so I apologize for the bad photos! 

Something even more dazzling was the massive, almost curtain-like, display of lights changing colors and fading on and off. It was so mesmerizing and magical, and the music played amongst each display really fit every single lighting effect! Magical! 
I would highly recommend visiting the lighting display of you are anywhere in the UK and looking for something to do with family! Made me feel like a child in Disneyland all over again! 
It's a shame the event only goes on until the beginning of January, but on certain days you can get tickets at the entrance. Thankfully they are so friendly you're guaranteed to see this incredible trail of lights, whilst also passing stands where you can melt your own marshmallows and sip mulled wine, (or hot chocolate), - yum!

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